Porno Online / Filme / HD 1080p / On The Couch

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2009USA Pornofilme18+
HD 1080р
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    A Nympho, a Maniac and a Psychiatrist with a Twist.
    Did Somebody Say Analyst?
    Nikki has no friends and she can't figure out why. She hopes a day at the shrink's office can shed some light. Just before entering, she decided that it will be a more effective session if she removes her panties under her short skirt to "get the doctor's attention." And of course this is Nikki's blessing and her curse...her insatiable sexuality. She uses her body to get whatever she wants, and as she relates her problems to the good doctor, we hear how she stole her best friend's boyfriend, her neighbor's spouse, and her business partner's chauffeur. In other words, Nikki's been busy...on the couch and off.

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  • Regie: Chuck Lords
  • Dauer: 01:55:30
  • Sprache: Russisch , Original
  • 0
On The Couch
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